"One cannot escape how his opinions and his single point of view distort and reshape reality, transforming it into a personal reality. Lewis Carroll challenges this personal reality in Through the Looking Glass by using the genre of fantasy. "
"The Queen's picture of reality includes more and more "impossible things" as she gets older. Alice, being from the other side of the mirror, changes in the opposite way. As she matures she comes to see more ideas as fantasy. In this excerpt, Alice appears to be stubborn and foolish for her disbelief. Back in England adults would think of her as stubborn and foolish for believing in fantasy. The passage highlights the inconsistencies of adults who tell you there is no monster under the bed one moment and yet encourage their children to believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Carroll also uses the scene to make fun of the Victorian quest for logic, reason, and truth. Reality means an entirely different thing to each person and to the same person at different points in his life."
Fantasy or Reality?
Erin Wells '96 (English 61, Brown University, 1993)
Ny Norsk fotoblogg lanseres nå, der vi fokuserer på de fotografene som har en egen personlig stil. Dette er fotografer som skiller seg ut i mengden av utøvere, og som utfordrer seerne på mange plan. Deltagerene på bloggen har alle forskjellig ståsted og erfaringer, og er nøye plukket ut til å delta.
Om en skal si noe som blir felles for alle som deltar blir det at de på en fortrolig og modig måte fastholder øyeblikkene og fanger følelser. Noe som er igjenkjennbart hos oss mennesker, uansett ståsted. darkroomnorway@gmail.com
Darkrooms in Northern Light is a new photoblog from Norway featuring a group of carefully selected photographers. Based on widely differing experiences and seen from a range of perspectives, the works presented here are permeated by the distinctly individual style of each of these contributors. Their photographic practices stand out from the dominant mainstream approaches to photography, challenging the viewers on many levels. Although pursuing different styles and topic matters, they all share a firm dedication to capturing the moment and exploring the full range of human emotions. Which is perhaps why their work often strikes a universal chord, touching viewers on a deep human level.
Herlige bilder. Dyktig utført Isidoros.
Very good! -I like!
Utrolig flott serie dette!